Serpula himantioides (Fr.) P. Karst. 1884 Basidiomycota > Agaricomycetes > Boletales > Serpulaceae Details on: FRDBI (login required); Old FRDBI; MycoBank; GBIF; Species Fungorum; NBN AtlasSpecies List Back to Summary | | Summary 51 records from 37 different sites Years (# of records): 1976 (1)
1980 (1)
1983 (1)
1986 (2)
1989 (1)
2002 (1)
2003 (1)
2011 (2)
2013 (2)
2015 (1)
2016 (2)
2017 (2)
2018 (2)
2019 (4)
2020 (2)
2021 (3)
2022 (11)
2023 (12)
Months: JFMAMJJASOND Associations: Betula; Crataegus; Crataegus monogyna; Fagus sylvatica; Gymnospermae; Pinus; Pinus nigra; Pinus sylvestris; Prunus; Quercus; Ulex europaeus Substrates: branch, fallen; conifer bark; conifer wood; cut logs; dead branch; dead log; dead tree trunk; dead wood; dead wood (coniferous); fallen branch; fallen tree; fallen trunk; living wood; trunk, fallen; wood, fallen Finders: Anne Crotty; David Tipling; foray; James Emerson; Jenny Kelly; Keith Fox; Neil Mahler; P. Cullington; R.E. Evans; Robert Yaxley; S.E. Wells; Stewart Wright; Tony Leech; Vanna Bartlett Identifiers: Anne Crotty; James Emerson; Jenny Kelly; Keith Fox; Neil Mahler; R.E. Evans; Robert Yaxley; S.E. Wells; Stewart Wright; T.F. Hering; Tony Leech; Vanna Bartlett; Yvonne Mynett Confirmers: A. Henrici; Jeremy Bartlett Comment: 'BMS foray'
| Record Details 12/04/1976 Swanton Novers Great Wood; TG0032; R.E. Evans; R.E. Evans 23/05/1980 Weeting, Emily's Wood; TL7989; R.E. Evans; R.E. Evans 20/11/1983 Holkham Meals East; TF9045; Pinus nigra; trunk, fallen; R.E. Evans; R.E. Evans 12/10/1986 Bridgham Picnic Site; TL9683; R.E. Evans; R.E. Evans 19/10/1986 Roydon Common; TF6822; R.E. Evans; R.E. Evans 05/11/1989 Buxton Heath, Hevingham; TG1721; R.E. Evans; R.E. Evans 27/04/2002 Holkham Meals West; TF8845; Prunus; wood, fallen; P. Cullington; T.F. Hering; "BMS foray" 30/10/2003 Felbrigg Park; TG1939; Gymnospermae; branch, fallen; S.E. Wells; S.E. Wells; A. Henrici 25/11/2011 Lenwade, Dinosaur Park; TG1017; Tony Leech; Tony Leech 26/11/2011 Holkham Meals West; TF8845; foray; Tony Leech 24/11/2013 Colney, Burial Ground; TG1608; foray; Tony Leech 28/12/2013 Holt Country Park; TG0837; foray; Tony Leech 13/12/2015 Sandringham Estate; TF690292; Neil Mahler; Neil Mahler 19/03/2016 Lenwade, Dinosaur Park; TG1017; conifer bark; foray; Tony Leech 17/12/2016 Sandringham Estate; TF6829; foray; Yvonne Mynett 01/10/2017 Little Plumstead, Ice House Plantation; TG3110; foray; Tony Leech 25/11/2017 Bacton Woods; TG3131; conifer wood; Keith Fox; Tony Leech 17/11/2018 Swanton Novers, Guybon's Wood; TG008333; dead wood; Stewart Wright; Stewart Wright 21/11/2018 Sculthorpe Moor (Hawk & Owl Trust); TF8930; Betula; dead wood; foray; Jenny Kelly 07/01/2019 Snettisham, Ken Hill Estate; TF675345; dead wood (coniferous); Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 09/10/2019 Sculthorpe Moor (Hawk & Owl Trust); TF900301; dead wood (coniferous); Keith Fox; Keith Fox 19/11/2019 Kettlestone; TF9732; David Tipling; Tony Leech 02/12/2019 Holt Lowes; TG087374; Robert Yaxley; Robert Yaxley 15/01/2020 Sculthorpe Moor (Hawk & Owl Trust); TF903302; Crataegus; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 10/12/2020 Dersingham Wood; TF696295; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 07/01/2021 Dersingham Bog; TF673281; Pinus sylvestris; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 13/05/2021 Horsford, Broadland Country Park; TG178171; Pinus; fallen branch; Tony Leech; Tony Leech 09/10/2021 Wheatfen, Surlingham; TG3205; dead wood; Anne Crotty; Anne Crotty 10/01/2022 Hoveton Hall; TG313202; Pinus sylvestris; dead wood; Stewart Wright; Stewart Wright 26/01/2022 Snettisham, Ken Hill Estate; TF676349; dead wood; Keith Fox; Keith Fox 27/01/2022 Dersingham Bog; TF674288; Pinus; fallen tree; Keith Fox; Keith Fox 29/01/2022 Dersingham Bog; TF672280; Pinus sylvestris; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 09/11/2022 Snettisham, Ken Hill Estate; TF676349; Quercus; dead wood; Keith Fox; Keith Fox 12/11/2022 King's Lynn, Hardwick, Sheep's Course Wood; TF640170; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 16/11/2022 Sculthorpe Moor (Hawk & Owl Trust); TF896303; dead wood; Keith Fox; Keith Fox 10/12/2022 Bridgham, Stonehouse Farm; TL9685; Pinus sylvestris; dead branch; Anne Crotty; Anne Crotty 17/12/2022 Snettisham Common; TF671335; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 17/12/2022 Snettisham, Ken Hill Estate; TF672342; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 21/12/2022 Old Catton, Catton Park; TG230116; dead wood; James Emerson; James Emerson 06/01/2023 Sedgeford Belt; TF710386; Crataegus monogyna; living wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 15/01/2023 Ringstead, Courtyard Farm; TF725403; Crataegus monogyna; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 23/01/2023 Hoveton Hall, Ice Well Wood; TG315196; Pinus sylvestris; fallen trunk; Stewart Wright; Stewart Wright 04/02/2023 Snettisham, Ken Hill Estate; TF672342; Crataegus monogyna; living wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 05/02/2023 Docking, Railway Plantation; TF746374; Fagus sylvatica; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 11/02/2023 Hoveton Hall; TG3119; Pinus; dead log; Stewart Wright; Stewart Wright 22/02/2023 South Wootton, Reffley Wood; TF656217; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 02/03/2023 Leziate, sailing lake; TF690194; Ulex europaeus; living wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 18/03/2023 Thursford, Brett's Wood; TF970330; Pinus sylvestris; living wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 06/11/2023 Houghton; TF763286; Pinus sylvestris; cut logs; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 01/12/2023 Norwich, Earlham Cemetery West; TG204086; Pinus; dead tree trunk; Vanna Bartlett; Vanna Bartlett; Jeremy Bartlett 10/12/2023 Dersingham Wood; TF696292; Pinus sylvestris; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly
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