Postia subcaesia (Blueing Bracket) (A. David) Jülich 1982 Basidiomycota > Agaricomycetes > Polyporales > Polyporaceae Details on: FRDBI (login required); Old FRDBI; MycoBank; GBIF; Species Fungorum; NBN AtlasSpecies List Back to Summary | | Summary 133 records from 85 different sites Years (# of records): 1976 (1)
1977 (1)
1978 (1)
1980 (2)
1982 (4)
1987 (1)
1994 (1)
1998 (1)
2000 (1)
2001 (2)
2002 (2)
2003 (4)
2004 (3)
2006 (1)
2007 (2)
2008 (4)
2009 (2)
2010 (1)
2011 (1)
2012 (2)
2013 (2)
2015 (6)
2016 (11)
2017 (3)
2018 (5)
2019 (10)
2020 (15)
2021 (9)
2022 (22)
2023 (13)
Months: JFMAMJJASOND Associations: Acer campestre; Alnus glutinosa; Angiospermae; Betula; Castanea sativa; Corylus; Corylus avellana; Fagus; Fagus sylvatica; Fraxinus excelsior; Malus; Populus; Quercus; Salix; Sambucus nigra; Tilia; Ulex europaeus; Ulmus Substrates: branch, dead; branch, fallen; dead branch; dead log; dead log, deciduous; dead stump; dead trunk; dead wood; dead wood (coniferous); dead wood (deciduous); dead wood deciduous; deciduous log; deciduous wood; fallen bough; fallen branch; fallen tree; leaf litter; living wood; log; log, dead; log, deciduous; log, fallen; trunk; trunk, dead; trunk, fallen; wood, dead, deciduous; worked wood Finders: A. Andrews; A. Henrici; A.L. Bull; A.M. Ainsworth; A.R. Leech; Alex Lowe; Anne Crotty; Anon; foray; Gill Judd; Ian Senior; J. Pearton; James Emerson; Jenny Kelly; Jeremy Bartlett; Keith Fox; M. Parslow; Neil Mahler; P.J. Roberts; R.E. Evans; Sam Rusby; Steve Judd; Steve Pinnington; Stewart Wright; Tim Hodge; Tony Leech; Yvonne Mynett Identifiers: A. Andrews; A. Henrici; A.L. Bull; A.M. Ainsworth; A.R. Leech; Anne Crotty; Ian Senior; James Emerson; Jenny Kelly; Jeremy Bartlett; Keith Fox; M. Parslow; P.J. Roberts; R.E. Evans; Richard Shotbolt; S.E. Wells; Steve Judd; Steve Pinnington; Stewart Wright; Tony Leech; Yvonne Mynett Confirmer: R.E. Evans Comments: 'Crataegus also possible'; 'ID confirmed with spores'; 'Spores examined'
| Record Details 02/10/1976 Foxley Wood; TG0523; R.E. Evans; R.E. Evans 13/09/1977 Foxley Wood; TG0523; wood, dead, deciduous; R.E. Evans; R.E. Evans 00/05/1978 Barton Bendish, Barton Leys Wood; TF6904; R.E. Evans; R.E. Evans 04/03/1980 Lenwade Pits; TG1018; R.E. Evans; R.E. Evans 19/08/1980 Wayland Wood, Watton; TL9299; R.E. Evans; R.E. Evans 22/08/1982 Wheatfen, Surlingham; TG3205; R.E. Evans; R.E. Evans 26/09/1982 Brooke Wood; TM2698; R.E. Evans; R.E. Evans 31/10/1982 Thompson Common; TL9396; R.E. Evans; R.E. Evans 18/11/1982 Honingham, Warren Wood; TG0911; R.E. Evans; R.E. Evans 03/10/1987 Bridgham Picnic Site; TL9683; R.E. Evans; R.E. Evans 22/01/1994 Holt Lowes; TG0937; A.R. Leech; A.R. Leech 05/10/1998 Weston Longville, Poors Fen; TG1016; A.R. Leech; A.R. Leech 06/10/2000 West Tofts (STANTA); TL8499; A.L. Bull; A.L. Bull; R.E. Evans 24/08/2001 Baconsthorpe; TG1238; Angiospermae; trunk; A.R. Leech; A.R. Leech 14/10/2001 Weeting, Emily's Wood; TL7989; M. Parslow; M. Parslow 19/09/2002 Sculthorpe Moor (Hawk & Owl Trust); TF9030; Salix; A.R. Leech; A.R. Leech 03/11/2002 Buxton Heath, Hevingham; TG1721; Angiospermae; trunk, fallen; Neil Mahler; Richard Shotbolt 26/01/2003 Bacton Woods; TG3131; Angiospermae; A. Andrews; A. Andrews 26/10/2003 Blickling Park; TG1728; Angiospermae; branch, fallen; P.J. Roberts; P.J. Roberts 28/10/2003 Holkham Meals West; TF8845; Populus; branch, fallen; A.M. Ainsworth; A.M. Ainsworth 29/10/2003 Holt, Gresham's School; TG0839; Salix; log; A. Henrici; A. Henrici 03/10/2004 Barton Bendish, Barton Leys Wood; TF7005; Ulmus; branch, dead; A.R. Leech; A.R. Leech 16/10/2004 Weeting, Emily's Wood; TL7989; Angiospermae; log; J. Pearton; S.E. Wells 23/10/2004 Felbrigg Park; TG1939; Anon; A.R. Leech 08/09/2006 Holt, Gresham's School; TG092397; log, deciduous; A.R. Leech; A.R. Leech 13/10/2007 Horsford; TG1817; A.R. Leech; A.R. Leech 26/10/2007 Lyng, Wrong's Covert; TG0917; A.R. Leech; A.R. Leech 16/08/2008 Holt Lowes; TG085381; Tony Leech; Tony Leech 07/09/2008 Saxlingham Nethergate, Smockmill Common; TM2298; foray; Tony Leech 20/09/2008 Briston Common; TG0631; leaf litter; foray; Tony Leech 18/10/2008 Dunston Common; TG2202; foray; Tony Leech 08/10/2009 Snettisham, Ken Hill Estate; TF6735; Tony Leech; Tony Leech 27/10/2009 Holt Country Park; TG0837; Tony Leech; Tony Leech 03/10/2010 Whitlingham Sewage Treatment Works; TG27610774; Populus; fallen tree; Anne Crotty; Anne Crotty 15/11/2011 Thorpe St Andrew, Racecourse Plantation; TG2710; foray; Tony Leech 02/09/2012 Tyrrel's Wood, Long Stratton; TM2089; foray; Tony Leech 23/10/2012 Snettisham, Ken Hill Estate; TF6735; foray; Tony Leech 23/09/2013 North Walsham, Pigney's Wood; TG2932; foray; Tony Leech 13/11/2013 Santon Downham, Two Mile Bottom; TL846877; dead wood (deciduous); Anne Crotty; Anne Crotty 15/09/2015 Acle, Damgate Wood; TG4010; deciduous log; foray; Tony Leech 19/09/2015 Weeting, Emily's Wood; TL7989; deciduous wood; Steve Pinnington; Tony Leech 13/10/2015 Norwich, Mousehold Heath; TG2410; foray; Tony Leech 05/11/2015 Acle, Damgate Wood; TG403100; Steve Pinnington; Yvonne Mynett 15/11/2015 Winterton Dunes; TG4920; foray; Tony Leech 21/11/2015 Hickling Broad; TG4022; foray; Tony Leech 20/08/2016 Holt Lowes; TG0837; foray; Tony Leech 17/09/2016 Hickling Broad; TG4221; Tim Hodge; Tony Leech 01/10/2016 Flordon Common; TM1897; foray; Tony Leech 07/10/2016 Themelthorpe, Mayfields Farm; TG0524; foray; Tony Leech 09/10/2016 Dersingham Bog; TF6829; foray; Yvonne Mynett 23/10/2016 Bergh Apton (BACT); TM3199; foray; Tony Leech 27/10/2016 Glandford, Bayfield Estate; TG0440; foray; Tony Leech 28/10/2016 Kelling Heath Holiday Park; TG1141; foray; Tony Leech 29/10/2016 Weeting, Emily's Wood; TL7989; foray; Tony Leech 06/11/2016 Ashwellthorpe Lower Wood; TM1498; James Emerson; James Emerson 17/12/2016 Sandringham Estate; TF6829; foray; Yvonne Mynett 16/08/2017 Sculthorpe Moor (Hawk & Owl Trust); TF9030; dead wood; foray; Jenny Kelly 21/10/2017 Felbrigg Great Wood; TG1939; Fagus sylvatica; Ian Senior; Tony Leech 27/10/2017 Litcham Common; TF8817; foray; Tony Leech 21/08/2018 Ingoldisthorpe Common; TF680310; Quercus; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 05/10/2018 Titchwell RSPB; TF750438; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 17/10/2018 Sculthorpe Moor (Hawk & Owl Trust); TF8930; dead wood; foray; Jenny Kelly 20/10/2018 Long Stratton, Crow Green; TM2090; Quercus; dead wood; Steve Pinnington; Anne Crotty 15/12/2018 Bawdeswell Heath; TG0319; Quercus; dead wood; Keith Fox; Keith Fox 17/08/2019 Catfield Hall Estate; TG370210; Salix; dead wood; Anne Crotty; Anne Crotty 13/10/2019 Strumpshaw Fen; TG341064; deciduous log; James Emerson; James Emerson 16/10/2019 Snettisham, Ken Hill Estate; TF666345; foray; Tony Leech 19/10/2019 Tyrrel's Wood, Long Stratton; TM2089; dead wood deciduous; Sam Rusby; Tony Leech 26/10/2019 Holt Country Park; TG082375; dead wood (coniferous); Ian Senior; Ian Senior 27/10/2019 Little Plumstead, Ice House Plantation; TG3110; foray; Tony Leech 02/11/2019 Thetford, Barnham Cross Common; TL8681; Quercus; dead branch; Stewart Wright; Stewart Wright 08/11/2019 Dersingham Fen; TF682297; Betula; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 16/11/2019 Crostwight Heath; TG344299; Ulex europaeus; James Emerson; James Emerson 04/12/2019 King's Lynn, Hardwick, Sheep's Course Wood; TF641171; worked wood; foray; Jenny Kelly 10/02/2020 Ingoldisthorpe Common; TF683317; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 26/03/2020 Holt Country Park; TG087380; Fagus; fallen branch; Tony Leech; Tony Leech 26/06/2020 Rollesby, Trinity Broads; TG466153; Alnus glutinosa; trunk; Yvonne Mynett; Yvonne Mynett 14/07/2020 Rollesby, Trinity Broads; TG477155; Alnus glutinosa; dead log; Steve Pinnington; Yvonne Mynett 27/08/2020 Sutton Fen; TG375234; Salix; trunk; Steve Pinnington; Yvonne Mynett 05/09/2020 Sculthorpe Moor (Hawk & Owl Trust); TF900300; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 07/09/2020 Titchwell RSPB; TF750438; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 14/09/2020 North Walsham, Pigney's Wood; TG296321; Acer campestre; log; Yvonne Mynett; Yvonne Mynett; "Crataegus also possible" 06/10/2020 Swanton Abbott, Low Common; TG264251; Quercus; log; Steve Pinnington; Steve Pinnington 16/10/2020 Houghton; TF773290; Tilia; fallen branch; Keith Fox; Keith Fox 25/10/2020 Bridgham Heath; TL933867; dead wood; Ian Senior; Ian Senior 26/10/2020 Dersingham Common; TF688296; Betula; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 01/11/2020 Trowse Woods; TG2506; Ulmus; dead wood; James Emerson; James Emerson 02/11/2020 Little Plumstead, Church woods; TG306109; trunk, dead; Anne Crotty; Anne Crotty 12/11/2020 Ringstead Chalk Pit and Plantation; TF714398; Castanea sativa; fallen branch; Keith Fox; Keith Fox 03/02/2021 Holt Lowes; TG087371; Betula; dead branch; Tony Leech; Tony Leech 29/08/2021 Titchwell RSPB; TF749438; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly; "Spores examined" 22/09/2021 Leziate; TF679191; Malus; living wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly; "Spores examined" 10/10/2021 Ingoldisthorpe Common; TF683317; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 06/11/2021 Horsford, Broadland Country Park; TG1817; dead stump; Alex Lowe; Anne Crotty 11/11/2021 King's Lynn, Hardwick, Sheep's Course Wood; TF640170; Corylus avellana; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 03/12/2021 Sandringham Estate; TF682278; Corylus; fallen bough; Keith Fox; Keith Fox 18/12/2021 Snettisham, Ken Hill Estate; TF6735; dead wood; Steve Judd; Steve Judd 29/12/2021 Buckenham Wood; TG3607; dead branch; Gill Judd; Anne Crotty 23/01/2022 Upgate Common; TG1418; dead branch; Steve Judd; Anne Crotty 13/02/2022 East Ruston Poor Allotments; TG3428; Quercus; dead branch; Anne Crotty; Anne Crotty 22/09/2022 Ingoldisthorpe Common; TF683317; Betula; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 26/09/2022 Titchwell RSPB; TF749438; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly; "ID confirmed with spores" 29/09/2022 Marsham Heath; TG173235; Castanea sativa; log, dead; Jeremy Bartlett; Jeremy Bartlett 02/10/2022 Cranwich, Watermill Broad pits; TL7795; log, fallen; Anne Crotty; Anne Crotty 02/10/2022 Thursford, Brett's Wood; TF970330; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 06/10/2022 Pott Row, Pottrow Woods; TF690212; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 09/10/2022 Thursford Wood; TF976331; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 11/10/2022 Sculthorpe Moor (Hawk & Owl Trust); TF900300; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 21/10/2022 Ashwellthorpe Lower Wood; TM141982; wood, dead, deciduous; Jeremy Bartlett; Jeremy Bartlett 22/10/2022 Gressenhall Rural Life Museum; TF9717; log, deciduous ; Stewart Wright; Anne Crotty 25/10/2022 Snettisham Common; TF671335; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 31/10/2022 Roydon, Hudson's Fen; TF691220; Quercus; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 02/11/2022 Swanton Abbott, Low Common; TG2625; dead wood; Steve Pinnington; Steve Pinnington 10/11/2022 Dersingham Bog; TF665286; Betula; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 12/11/2022 King's Lynn, Hardwick, Sheep's Course Wood; TF640170; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 13/11/2022 Ringstead Chalk Pit and Plantation; TF702400; Fagus sylvatica; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 13/11/2022 Norwich, University of East Anglia; TG189073; dead wood; Ian Senior; Ian Senior 06/12/2022 Norwich city; TG206082; wood, dead, deciduous; Jeremy Bartlett; Jeremy Bartlett 10/12/2022 Bridgham, Stonehouse Farm; TL9685; Quercus; dead wood; Anne Crotty; Anne Crotty 31/12/2022 Ketteringham, Ladybelt Country Park; TG1702; Fraxinus excelsior; dead wood; Gill Judd; Anne Crotty 20/08/2023 North Wootton, Ling Common; TF648239; Betula; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 28/08/2023 Titchwell RSPB; TF750438; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly; "ID confirmed with spores" 30/08/2023 Dersingham Fen; TF684299; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 01/09/2023 Holt Lowes; TG091376; Sambucus nigra; dead trunk; Ian Senior; Jeremy Bartlett 14/09/2023 Horsford, Broadland Country Park; TG178176; dead log; Jeremy Bartlett; Jeremy Bartlett; Additional Notescompartment 13 04/10/2023 Snettisham, Ken Hill Estate; TF676349; dead wood; Keith Fox; Keith Fox 05/10/2023 Norwich, University of East Anglia; TG187076; Salix; dead log; Jeremy Bartlett; Jeremy Bartlett 06/10/2023 Ingoldisthorpe Common; TF6831; dead wood; Keith Fox; Keith Fox 07/10/2023 Catfield Hall Estate; TG3720; dead log, deciduous; Steve Pinnington; Steve Pinnington 13/10/2023 Little Plumstead, Ice House Plantation; TG3110; log; foray; Tony Leech 24/10/2023 Ashwellthorpe Lower Wood; TM141981; dead log, deciduous; Jeremy Bartlett; Jeremy Bartlett 29/10/2023 Bergh Apton (BACT); TM3199; foray; Tony Leech 22/11/2023 Sculthorpe Moor (Hawk & Owl Trust); TF900300; dead wood; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly
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