Norfolk Fungus Study Group
Studying Norfolk fungi since 2000
   Norfolk Fungus Study Group

Erysiphe azaleae
(U. Braun) U. Braun & S. Takam. 2000
Ascomycota > Leotiomycetes > Erysiphales > Erysiphaceae
Group: Powdery Mildew
Details on: FRDBI (login required); Old FRDBI; MycoBank; GBIF; Species Fungorum; NBN Atlas

Species List

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Kelling Heath Holiday Park TG1041Holt, Gresham's School TG0839Felbrigg Park TG1939Blickling Park TG1728Holt TG0839Sheringham Park TG1341Hoveton Hall TG313202Wheatfen, Surlingham TG328056Hoveton Hall TG313202Southrepps Common TG2635


11 records from 9 different sites
Years (# of records): 2003 (7) 2018 (1) 2022 (3)
Associations: Rhododendron; Rhododendron luteum; Rhododendron ponticum
Substrates: leaf; leaf, living; living leaf
Finders: B. Ing; B.M. Spooner; Dinah Griffin; Stewart Wright
Identifiers: B. Ing; B.M. Spooner; Stewart Wright
Confirmers: None
Comments: None

Record Details

27/10/2003 Kelling Heath Holiday Park; TG1041; Rhododendron ponticum; B. Ing; B. Ing
29/10/2003 Holt, Gresham's School; TG0839; Rhododendron ponticum; leaf, living; B. Ing; B. Ing
30/10/2003 Felbrigg Park; TG1939; Rhododendron; leaf, living; B. Ing; B. Ing
31/10/2003 Blickling Park; TG1728; Rhododendron; leaf, living; B.M. Spooner; B.M. Spooner
31/10/2003 Holt; TG0839; Rhododendron ponticum; leaf, living; B. Ing; B. Ing
31/10/2003 Sheringham Park; TG1341; Rhododendron luteum; leaf, living; B. Ing; B. Ing
31/10/2003 Sheringham Park; TG1341; Rhododendron ponticum; leaf, living; Dinah Griffin; B. Ing
08/01/2018 Hoveton Hall; TG313202; Rhododendron; leaf; Stewart Wright; Stewart Wright
09/03/2022 Wheatfen, Surlingham; TG328056; Rhododendron ponticum; living leaf; Stewart Wright; Stewart Wright
11/03/2022 Hoveton Hall; TG313202; Rhododendron ponticum; living leaf; Stewart Wright; Stewart Wright
03/04/2022 Southrepps Common; TG2635; Rhododendron ponticum; leaf; Stewart Wright; Stewart Wright

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