Norfolk Fungus Study Group
Studying Norfolk fungi since 2000
   Norfolk Fungus Study Group

Enerthenema papillatum
(Pers.) Rostaf. 1876
Mycetozoa > Myxomycetes > Stemonitidales > Stemonitidaceae
Group: Slime Mould
Details on: FRDBI (login required); Old FRDBI; MycoBank; GBIF; Species Fungorum; NBN Atlas

Species List

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Santon Downham, St. Helen's Well TL8187Harleston, Gawdyhall Big Wood TM2585Wayland Wood, Watton TL9299Lenwade Pits TG1018Honingham Fen TG0912Bridgham Picnic Site TL9683Ringland Hills TG1312How Hill (Ludham) TG3719Swanton Novers Great Wood TG0032Marsham Heath TG1723Swanton Novers Great Wood TG0032Foxley Wood TG0523Hoe Rough, Beetley TF9716Lynford Arboretum & Picnic Site TL8294Ringland Road TG1213Holkham Meals West TF8845Swanton Novers Great Wood TG0130Felbrigg Park TG1939Filby TG467133


20 records from 17 different sites
Years (# of records): 0 (1) 1976 (1) 1978 (1) 1981 (1) 1983 (1) 1985 (1) 1987 (1) 1988 (2) 1989 (2) 1990 (2) 1991 (1) 1992 (1) 2003 (4) 2023 (1)
Associations: Castanea; Pinus nigra; Quercus; Quercus robur
Substrates: bark of living tree; bark, live; branch, fallen; rotten wood
Finders: B. Ing; L.L. Evans; Stewart Wright
Identifiers: B. Ing; L.L. Evans; Stewart Wright
Confirmers: None
Comments: None

Record Details

00/00/0000 Santon Downham, St. Helen's Well; TL8187; L.L. Evans; L.L. Evans
08/10/1976 Harleston, Gawdyhall Big Wood; TM2585; L.L. Evans; L.L. Evans
18/06/1978 Wayland Wood, Watton; TL9299; L.L. Evans; L.L. Evans
25/01/1981 Lenwade Pits; TG1018; L.L. Evans; L.L. Evans
24/07/1983 Honingham Fen; TG0912; L.L. Evans; L.L. Evans
20/10/1985 Bridgham Picnic Site; TL9683; L.L. Evans; L.L. Evans
05/04/1987 Ringland Hills; TG1312; L.L. Evans; L.L. Evans
17/07/1988 How Hill (Ludham); TG3719; L.L. Evans; L.L. Evans
28/07/1988 Swanton Novers Great Wood; TG0032; L.L. Evans; L.L. Evans
05/03/1989 Marsham Heath; TG1723; L.L. Evans; L.L. Evans
30/06/1989 Swanton Novers Great Wood; TG0032; L.L. Evans; L.L. Evans
13/01/1990 Foxley Wood; TG0523; L.L. Evans; L.L. Evans
01/04/1990 Hoe Rough, Beetley; TF9716; L.L. Evans; L.L. Evans
10/04/1991 Lynford Arboretum & Picnic Site; TL8294; L.L. Evans; L.L. Evans
28/02/1992 Ringland Road; TG1213; L.L. Evans; L.L. Evans
28/10/2003 Holkham Meals West; TF8845; Pinus nigra; branch, fallen; B. Ing; B. Ing
29/10/2003 Swanton Novers Great Wood; TG0130; Quercus; bark of living tree; B. Ing; B. Ing
30/10/2003 Felbrigg Park; TG1939; Castanea; bark, live; B. Ing; B. Ing
30/10/2003 Felbrigg Park; TG1939; Quercus robur; bark, live; B. Ing; B. Ing
22/11/2023 Filby; TG467133; Quercus robur; rotten wood; Stewart Wright; Stewart Wright

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and the British Mycological Society