Clavulinopsis luteoalba (Apricot Club) (Rea) Corner 1950 Basidiomycota > Agaricomycetes > Agaricales > Clavariaceae Details on: FRDBI (login required); Old FRDBI; MycoBank; GBIF; Species Fungorum; NBN AtlasSpecies List Back to Summary | | Summary 37 records from 28 different sites Years (# of records): 1988 (1)
1993 (1)
1997 (3)
1999 (2)
2001 (1)
2003 (1)
2008 (1)
2009 (2)
2010 (1)
2013 (1)
2014 (2)
2015 (2)
2016 (5)
2017 (1)
2018 (1)
2020 (4)
2021 (5)
2023 (3)
Months: JFMAMJJASOND Association: Poaceae Substrates: moss; soil; soil, grass; soil, sandy; soil, turf; straw bale Finders: A.L. Bull; A.R. Leech; foray; Ian Senior; James Emerson; Jenny Kelly; John Lines; Keith Fox; R.E. Evans; Sue Matchett; Tony Leech; Trevor Dove; Yvonne Mynett Identifiers: A.L. Bull; A.R. Leech; Ian Senior; James Emerson; Jenny Kelly; Keith Fox; R.E. Evans; Sue Matchett; Tony Leech; Trevor Dove; Yvonne Mynett Confirmers: R.E. Evans; Yvonne Mynett Comments: 'Habitat noted as grass'; 'In grassland. Spores 5-7 * 2.5 - 4 micrometres'; 'In short grass on bank'; 'Spores examined'; 'Unexpectedly in grass in woodland'
| Record Details 22/10/1988 Horsford, Broadland Country Park; TG1718; R.E. Evans; R.E. Evans; "In grassland. Spores 5-7 * 2.5 - 4 micrometres" 09/11/1993 Corpusty; TG1130; A.L. Bull; A.L. Bull; R.E. Evans; "In short grass on bank" 00/10/1997 Holt, Gresham's School; TG0839; A.R. Leech; A.R. Leech 12/10/1997 Holt, Gresham's School; TG0839; Trevor Dove; Trevor Dove 26/10/1997 Holt Hall; TG0739; Trevor Dove; Trevor Dove 05/11/1999 Little Snoring; TF9632; A.R. Leech; A.R. Leech 15/11/1999 Holt Hall; TG0739; A.R. Leech; A.R. Leech 27/10/2001 Holme Dunes; TF7144; Poaceae; soil, sandy; A.L. Bull; A.L. Bull 29/10/2003 Holt, Gresham's School; TG0839; Poaceae; soil; Trevor Dove; Trevor Dove 16/10/2008 Felbrigg Park; TG1939; straw bale; foray; Tony Leech 29/08/2009 Holt, Spout Hills; TG0738; Tony Leech; Tony Leech 16/11/2009 Colney; TG1708; Tony Leech; Tony Leech 03/10/2010 South Wootton, Reffley Wood; TF6522; foray; Tony Leech; "Unexpectedly in grass in woodland" 27/10/2013 Pentney Common; TF7313; John Lines; Tony Leech 11/11/2014 Sheringham Park; TG132420; Tony Leech; Tony Leech 15/11/2014 Holt Hall; TG078397; soil, turf; foray; Tony Leech 13/10/2015 Ringstead, Courtyard Farm; TF727405; soil; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 20/11/2015 Blofield Hall; TG323108; Yvonne Mynett; Yvonne Mynett 06/10/2016 Holkham Meals West; TF8844; foray; Tony Leech 16/10/2016 Sheringham Park; TG1341; foray; Tony Leech 19/11/2016 Wymondham; TG111010; foray; Yvonne Mynett 19/11/2016 Wymondham, The Lizard; TG1200; foray; Yvonne Mynett 20/11/2016 Lynford Stag; TL813918; soil, turf; foray; Tony Leech 07/10/2017 Buckenham Carrs; TG3605; James Emerson; James Emerson 10/10/2018 Acle, Damgate Wood; TG401100; Yvonne Mynett; Yvonne Mynett 25/10/2020 Grimes Graves; TL813899; soil, turf; Ian Senior; Ian Senior 25/10/2020 Lynford Stag; TL813918; soil, turf; Ian Senior; Ian Senior 05/11/2020 Martham; TG456179; soil; Yvonne Mynett; Yvonne Mynett 27/12/2020 Norwich, Earlham Cemetery East; TG212088; soil, turf; Ian Senior; Ian Senior 05/10/2021 Norwich, Earlham Cemetery West; TG204088; soil, grass; Ian Senior; Ian Senior 23/10/2021 Snettisham, Ken Hill Estate; TF676349; soil; Foray; Jenny Kelly; "Spores examined" 05/11/2021 Roydon Common; TF680228; soil; Keith Fox; Keith Fox; "Habitat noted as grass" 04/12/2021 Syderstone Common; TF828320; soil; Jenny Kelly; Jenny Kelly 04/12/2021 Norwich, Earlham Cemetery East; TG212088; soil, grass; Ian Senior; Ian Senior; Yvonne Mynett 29/10/2023 Dersingham Bog; TF6729; soil; Keith Fox; Keith Fox 07/11/2023 Roydon common; TF678221; moss; Sue Matchett; Sue Matchett 09/11/2023 Snettisham, Ken Hill Estate; TF676349; soil; Keith Fox; Keith Fox; "Spores examined"
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