T.C.E. WellsT.C.E. Wells
Finders List Back to Summary | | Summary 26 records of 26 different species from 5 different sites Years (# of records): 1980 (1)
2002 (8)
2004 (17)
| Record Details 15/11/1980 Arcyria incarnata; Norwich, University of East Anglia; TG1907; Acer pseudoplatanus; M.J. Woolner; T.C.E. Wells; L.L. Evans 29/04/2002 Mycena speirea; Holkham Hall; TF8743; under bark; T.C.E. Wells; T.C.E. Wells; "BMS foray" 29/04/2002 Tremella mesenterica; Holkham Hall; TF8743; Fagus sylvatica; branch, fallen; T.C.E. Wells; S.E. Wells; "BMS foray" 01/05/2002 Kuehneola uredinis; Swanton Novers Great Wood; TG0032; Rubus fruticosus agg.; stem, living; T.C.E. Wells; S.E. Wells; "BMS foray" 01/05/2002 Phacidium lauri; [as Phacidium multivalve]; Swanton Novers Great Wood; TG0032; Ilex aquifolium; leaf, fallen; S.E. Wells; T.C.E. Wells; "BMS foray" 01/05/2002 Triphragmium ulmariae; Swanton Novers Great Wood; TG0032; Filipendula ulmaria; leaf, living; T.C.E. Wells; S.E. Wells; "BMS foray" 02/05/2002 Lachnum virgineum; Ringstead Downs; TF6840; Larix decidua; cone, fallen; T.C.E. Wells; S.E. Wells; "BMS foray" 02/05/2002 Phragmidium mucronatum; Ringstead Downs; TF6840; Rosa canina; stem, living; T.C.E. Wells; S.E. Wells; "BMS foray" 02/05/2002 Rhytisma acerinum; Ringstead Downs; TF6840; Acer pseudoplatanus; leaf, fallen; T.C.E. Wells; T.C.E. Wells; "BMS foray" 21/07/2004 Auricularia auricula-judae; Thompson Common; TL936960; Sambucus nigra; branch, attached; T.C.E. Wells; T.C.E. Wells 21/07/2004 Bolbitius reticulatus; Thompson Common; TL936960; Fagus sylvatica; log; T.C.E. Wells; S.E. Wells 21/07/2004 Xerocomellus chrysenteron; [as Boletus chrysenteron]; Thompson Common; TL936960; Fagus sylvatica; soil; T.C.E. Wells; T.C.E. Wells 21/07/2004 Crepidotus cesatii; Thompson Common; TL936960; Quercus robur; twig, fallen; T.C.E. Wells; S.E. Wells 21/07/2004 Entoloma rugosum; Thompson Common; TL936960; Poaceae; soil; T.C.E. Wells; S.E. Wells; "On top of an anthill" 21/07/2004 Ganoderma adspersum; [as Ganoderma australe]; Thompson Common; TL936960; Betula; trunk, base; T.C.E. Wells; T.C.E. Wells 21/07/2004 Laccaria proxima; Thompson Common; TL936960; Alnus glutinosa; soil; T.C.E. Wells; S.E. Wells 21/07/2004 Macrocystidia cucumis; Thompson Common; TL936960; Alnus glutinosa; soil; T.C.E. Wells; S.E. Wells 21/07/2004 Meripilus giganteus; Thompson Common; TL936960; stump; T.C.E. Wells; S.E. Wells 21/07/2004 Mycena filopes; Thompson Common; TL936960; soil; T.C.E. Wells; S.E. Wells 21/07/2004 Naucoria subconspersa; Thompson Common; TL936960; Alnus glutinosa; soil; T.C.E. Wells; S.E. Wells 21/07/2004 Paxillus involutus; Thompson Common; TL936960; Betula; soil; T.C.E. Wells; T.C.E. Wells 21/07/2004 Pluteus chrysophaeus; Thompson Common; TL936960; Fagus sylvatica; trunk, fallen; T.C.E. Wells; S.E. Wells 21/07/2004 Pluteus thomsonii; Thompson Common; TL936960; soil; T.C.E. Wells; S.E. Wells 21/07/2004 Polyporus squamosus; Thompson Common; TL936960; Fraxinus excelsior; trunk, fallen; T.C.E. Wells; T.C.E. Wells 21/07/2004 Polyporus tuberaster; Thompson Common; TL936960; Fagus sylvatica; log; T.C.E. Wells; S.E. Wells 21/07/2004 Puccinia opizii; Thompson Common; TL936960; Carex appropinquata; leaf, live; T.C.E. Wells; S.E. Wells
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