Norfolk Fungus Study Group
Studying Norfolk fungi since 2000
   Norfolk Fungus Study Group

Christopher Preston
Christopher Preston

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Blakeney Freshes TG026448Morston TG000443Stiffkey TF972440


29 records of 12 different species from 3 different sites
Years (# of records): 2023 (29)

Record Details

29/08/2023 Cercospora beticola; Blakeney Freshes; TG028448; Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima; living leaf; Christopher Preston; Christopher Preston
29/08/2023 Erysiphe limonii; Blakeney Freshes; TG027446; Limonium vulgare; living leaf; Christopher Preston; Christopher Preston
; Additional NotesRecorded as Erysimum limonii (in error?)

29/08/2023 Erysiphe limonii; Blakeney Freshes; TG027446; Limonium vulgare; living leaf; Christopher Preston; Christopher Preston
; Additional NotesRecorded as Erysimum limonii (in error?)

29/08/2023 Passalora dubia; Blakeney Freshes; TG028448; Atriplex littoralis; living leaf; Christopher Preston; Christopher Preston
29/08/2023 Puccinia cnici-oleracei; Blakeney Freshes; TG026448; Aster tripolium var. discoideus; living leaf; Christopher Preston; Christopher Preston; "Only one very sparsely infected leaf seen"
29/08/2023 Puccinia tanaceti; Blakeney Freshes; TG028448; Seriphidium maritimum; living leaf; Christopher Preston; Christopher Preston; "Better segregated as P. artemisiae-maritimae"
; Additional NotesAssociation originally recorded as Artemisia maritima

29/08/2023 Ramularia asteris; Blakeney Freshes; TG227446; Aster tripolium; living leaf; Christopher Preston; Christopher Preston
; Additional NotesPatches of colonies on some leaves; other leaves smaller than uninfected leaves, yellow, slightly distorted and completely covered by colonies.

29/08/2023 Uromyces limonii; Blakeney Freshes; TG027446; Limonium vulgare; living leaf; Christopher Preston; Christopher Preston
; Additional NotesGR: TG02754463

29/08/2023 Uromyces limonii; Blakeney Freshes; TG030450; Limonium vulgare; living leaf; Christopher Preston; Christopher Preston
; Additional NotesGR: TG03064506

30/08/2023 Ampelomyces quisqualis; Blakeney Freshes; TG036452; Podosphaera erodii; fungal mycelium; Christopher Preston; Christopher Preston
; Additional NotesGR: TG03664522

30/08/2023 Cercosporella jaapiana; Blakeney Freshes; TG027446; Limonium vulgare; living leaf; Christopher Preston; Christopher Preston
30/08/2023 Erysiphe limonii; Blakeney Freshes; TG044450; Limonium vulgare; living leaf; Christopher Preston; Christopher Preston
; Additional NotesRecorded as Erysimum limonii (in error?)

30/08/2023 Erysiphe limonii; Morston; TG003443; Limonium vulgare; living leaf; Christopher Preston; Christopher Preston
; Additional NotesRecorded as Erysimum limonii (in error?)

30/08/2023 Stemphylium herbarum; [as Pleospora herbarum]; Blakeney Freshes; TG037452; Armeria maritima; peduncles, dead; Christopher Preston; Christopher Preston
30/08/2023 Podosphaera erodii; Blakeney Freshes; TG036452; Erodium cicutarium; living leaf; Christopher Preston; Christopher Preston; "Light and inconspicuous infection. Older mycelium with Ampelomyces quisqualis."
30/08/2023 Puccinia tanaceti; Blakeney Freshes; TG039451; Seriphidium maritimum; living leaf; Christopher Preston; Christopher Preston; "Better segregated as P. artemisiae-maritimae"
; Additional NotesAssociation originally recorded as Artemisia maritima

30/08/2023 Puccinia tanaceti; Blakeney Freshes; TG028443; Artemisia vulgaris; living leaf; Christopher Preston; Christopher Preston; "Better segregated as P. artemisiella"
30/08/2023 Puccinia tanaceti; Morston; TG004441; Seriphidium maritimum; living leaf; Christopher Preston; Christopher Preston; "Better segregated as P. artemisiae-maritimae"
; Additional NotesAssociation originally recorded as Artemisia maritima

30/08/2023 Uromyces chenopodii; Blakeney Freshes; TG028449; Suaeda vera; living leaf; Christopher Preston; Christopher Preston; "Host next to S. maritima but not found on that species."
; Additional NotesGR: TG02884493

30/08/2023 Uromyces chenopodii; Morston; TG005441; Suaeda vera; living leaf; Christopher Preston; Christopher Preston
; Additional NotesGR: TG00504415

30/08/2023 Uromyces limonii; Blakeney Freshes; TG027446; Limonium vulgare; living leaf; Christopher Preston; Christopher Preston
; Additional NotesGR: TG02724463

31/08/2023 Cercospora beticola; Stiffkey; TF974440; Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima; living leaf; Christopher Preston; Christopher Preston
31/08/2023 Erysiphe limonii; Morston; TG001443; Limonium vulgare; living leaf; Christopher Preston; Christopher Preston
; Additional NotesRecorded as Erysimum limonii (in error?)

31/08/2023 Erysiphe limonii; Stiffkey; TF972440; Limonium vulgare; living leaf; Christopher Preston; Christopher Preston
; Additional NotesRecorded as Erysimum limonii (in error?)

31/08/2023 Puccinia tanaceti; Stiffkey; TF989440; Seriphidium maritimum; living leaf; Christopher Preston; Christopher Preston; "Better segregated as P. artemisiae-maritimae"
; Additional NotesAssociation originally recorded as Artemisia maritima

31/08/2023 Uromyces chenopodii; Stiffkey; TF973440; Suaeda vera; living leaf; Christopher Preston; Christopher Preston
; Additional NotesGR: TF97324405

31/08/2023 Uromyces chenopodii; Stiffkey; TF990441; Suaeda vera; living leaf; Christopher Preston; Christopher Preston
; Additional NotesGR: TF99004410

31/08/2023 Uromyces limonii; Morston; TG000443; Limonium vulgare; living leaf; Christopher Preston; Christopher Preston
; Additional NotesGR: TG00034433

31/08/2023 Uromyces limonii; Stiffkey; TF973441; Limonium vulgare; living leaf; Christopher Preston; Christopher Preston
; Additional NotesGR: TF97324414

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The Norfolk Fungus Study Group is affiliated to the Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists' Society
and the British Mycological Society