Norfolk Fungus Study Group
Studying Norfolk fungi since 2000
   Norfolk Fungus Study Group

Anne Harrap
Anne Harrap

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Edgefield TG0934Glandford, Bayfield Estate TG0440Holt Lowes TG087372


24 records of 23 different species from 3 different sites
Years (# of records): 2003 (2) 2005 (1) 2021 (12) 2022 (4) 2023 (5)

Record Details

11/01/2003 Flammulina velutipes; Edgefield; TG1130; Cytisus; Anne Harrap; A.R. Leech
00/11/2003 Typhula phacorrhiza; Edgefield; TG0934; Fraxinus; leaf, litter; Anne Harrap; A.R. Leech; "On ash leaf litter dug into garden"
05/09/2005 Tolypocladium ophioglossoides; [as Cordyceps ophioglossoides]; Holt Lowes; TG087372; Elaphomyces; Anne Harrap; Anne Harrap
27/10/2021 Leucocybe candicans; [as Clitocybe candicans]; Glandford, Bayfield Estate; TG0440; deciduous litter; Anne Harrap; Tony Leech
27/10/2021 Conocybe filaris; Glandford, Bayfield Estate; TG0440; soil; Anne Harrap; Tony Leech; "in flowerpot"
27/10/2021 Coprinellus disseminatus; Glandford, Bayfield Estate; TG0440; buried wood; Anne Harrap; Tony Leech
27/10/2021 Cyathus olla; Glandford, Bayfield Estate; TG0440; Anne Harrap; Anne Harrap
27/10/2021 Entoloma undatum; Glandford, Bayfield Estate; TG0440; Anne Harrap; Tony Leech
27/10/2021 Geastrum triplex; Glandford, Bayfield Estate; TG0440; Anne Harrap; Anne Harrap
27/10/2021 Stropholoma aurantiacum; [as Leratiomyces ceres]; Glandford, Bayfield Estate; TG0440; soil; Anne Harrap; Anne Harrap
27/10/2021 Peziza brunneoatra; Glandford, Bayfield Estate; TG0440; soil; Anne Harrap; Tony Leech; "in flowerpot"
27/10/2021 Simocybe centunculus; Glandford, Bayfield Estate; TG0440; log; Anne Harrap; Tony Leech
27/10/2021 Sphaerobolus stellatus; Glandford, Bayfield Estate; TG0440; soil; Anne Harrap; Anne Harrap; "in flowerpot"
27/10/2021 Xylaria longipes; Glandford, Bayfield Estate; TG0440; log; Anne Harrap; Tony Leech
27/10/2021 Xylaria polymorpha; Glandford, Bayfield Estate; TG0440; log; Anne Harrap; Anne Harrap
19/09/2022 Pholiota flammans; Glandford, Bayfield Estate; TG046407; dead wood; Andy Johnson; Anne Harrap; Tony Leech
24/10/2022 Agrocybe pediades; Glandford, Bayfield Estate; TG0440; compost in pot; Anne Harrap; Tony Leech
24/10/2022 Helvella elastica; Glandford, Bayfield Estate; TG0440; soil; Anne Harrap; Anne Harrap; Tony Leech
24/10/2022 Psathyrella fibrillosa; Glandford, Bayfield Estate; TG047407; soil in plant pot; Anne Harrap; Tony Leech
; Additional NotesWithdrawn from DNA sequencing after TL happy with ID

01/06/2023 Ustilago avenae; Edgefield; TG097246; Arrhenatherum elatius; inflorescence; Anne Harrap; Anne Harrap
27/10/2023 Fomitopsis betulina; [as Piptoporus betulinus]; Glandford, Bayfield Estate; TG0440; Betula; dead trunk; Anne Harrap; Tony Leech
27/10/2023 Ramaria stricta; Glandford, Bayfield Estate; TG0440; soil; Anne Harrap; Tony Leech
27/10/2023 Sphaerobolus stellatus; Glandford, Bayfield Estate; TG0440; timber; Anne Harrap; Tony Leech
27/10/2023 Tyromyces wynneae; Glandford, Bayfield Estate; TG0440; Rubus fruticosus agg.; herbaceous plants; Anne Harrap; Tony Leech

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and the British Mycological Society