Norfolk Fungus Study Group
Studying Norfolk fungi since 2000
   Norfolk Fungus Study Group

A.W. Brand
A.W. Brand

Finders List

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Blickling Park TG1728Felbrigg Park TG1841Fowl Mere TL8789Great Hockham, Frost's Common TL9493Holkham Meals West TF8845Holt, Gresham's School TG0839Kelling Heath Holiday Park TG1041Stody Estate TG0535Swanton Novers Great Wood TG0130Winterton Dunes TG4919


50 records of 42 different species from 10 different sites
Years (# of records): 1981 (8) 1982 (2) 1994 (1) 2002 (4) 2003 (35)

Record Details

28/11/1981 Abortiporus biennis; Great Hockham, Frost's Common; TL9493; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand; R.E. Evans
28/11/1981 Antrodia xantha; Great Hockham, Frost's Common; TL9493; Corylus; wood; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand; R.E. Evans
28/11/1981 Clavaria argillacea; Great Hockham, Frost's Common; TL9493; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand; R.E. Evans
28/11/1981 Cystoderma amianthinum; Great Hockham, Frost's Common; TL9493; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand; R.E. Evans
28/11/1981 Xylodon sambuci; [as Hyphodontia sambuci]; Great Hockham, Frost's Common; TL9493; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand; R.E. Evans
28/11/1981 Lichenomphalia umbellifera; Great Hockham, Frost's Common; TL9493; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand; R.E. Evans; "On heathland"
28/11/1981 Omphalina pyxidata; Great Hockham, Frost's Common; TL9493; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand; R.E. Evans; "On heathland"
28/11/1981 Sarcomyxa serotina; [as Panellus serotinus]; Great Hockham, Frost's Common; TL9493; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand; R.E. Evans
00/04/1982 Conocybe filaris; Fowl Mere; TL8789; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand; R.E. Evans; "In grass under frondose trees."
00/04/1982 Polyporus ciliatus; Fowl Mere; TL8789; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand; R.E. Evans
26/11/1994 Clavaria argillacea; Winterton Dunes; TG4919; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand; R.E. Evans
02/05/2002 Bolbitius titubans; [as Bolbitius titubans var. titubans]; Holkham Meals West; TF8845; Poaceae; soil; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand; "BMS foray"
02/05/2002 Pluteus romellii; Holkham Meals West; TF8845; soil, woody debris; G.M. Brand; A.W. Brand; "BMS foray"
03/05/2002 Bjerkandera adusta; Stody Estate; TG0535; Acer; branch, dead, attached; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand; "BMS foray. Associated noted as Acer cv."
03/05/2002 Trametes gibbosa; Felbrigg Park; TG1841; Fagus; trunk, fallen; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand; "BMS foray"
26/10/2003 Amanita citrina; [as Amanita citrina var. citrina]; Blickling Park; TG1728; Fagus; soil; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand
26/10/2003 Xerocomellus chrysenteron; [as Boletus chrysenteron]; Blickling Park; TG1728; Fagus; soil; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand
26/10/2003 Erysiphe flexuosa; Blickling Park; TG1728; Aesculus; leaf, living; A.W. Brand; G.M. Brand; "In garden opposite entrance"
26/10/2003 Hypomyces chrysospermus; Blickling Park; TG1728; Xerocomellus chrysenteron; fruitbody, moribund; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand
; Additional NotesAssociation originally recorded as Boletus chrysenteron

26/10/2003 Kuehneola uredinis; Blickling Park; TG1728; Rubus fruticosus agg.; leaf, living; A.W. Brand; G.M. Brand
27/10/2003 Xerocomellus pruinatus; [as Boletus pruinatus]; Kelling Heath Holiday Park; TG1041; Fagus; soil; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand; M. Floriani
27/10/2003 Entoloma sericellum; Kelling Heath Holiday Park; TG1041; Poaceae; soil; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand
27/10/2003 Kuehneola uredinis; Kelling Heath Holiday Park; TG1041; Rubus fruticosus agg.; leaf, living; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand; G.M. Brand
27/10/2003 Laccaria laccata; Kelling Heath Holiday Park; TG1041; Pinus; soil; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand
27/10/2003 Lepiota cristata; Kelling Heath Holiday Park; TG1041; Rubus fruticosus agg.; soil; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand
27/10/2003 Apioperdon pyriforme; [as Lycoperdon pyriforme]; Kelling Heath Holiday Park; TG1041; Angiospermae; wood, buried; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand
27/10/2003 Melanoleuca polioleuca; Kelling Heath Holiday Park; TG1041; Betula; soil; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand
27/10/2003 Mycena sanguinolenta; Kelling Heath Holiday Park; TG1041; Pinus; cone; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand
27/10/2003 Pholiota gummosa; Kelling Heath Holiday Park; TG1041; Angiospermae; stump; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand
28/10/2003 Singerocybe phaeophthalma; [as Clitocybe phaeophthalma]; Holkham Meals West; TF8845; Pinus; sand; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand
28/10/2003 Golovinomyces cynoglossi; Holkham Meals West; TF8845; Cynoglossum; leaf, living; A.W. Brand; G.M. Brand
28/10/2003 Inocybe lilacina; [as Inocybe geophylla var. lilacina]; Holkham Meals West; TF8845; Pinus; soil, sandy; R. Venturini; R. Iliffe; A.W. Brand
28/10/2003 Onygena corvina; Holkham Meals West; TF8845; Anas; feather; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand
29/10/2003 Crepidotus variabilis; Holt, Gresham's School; TG0839; Angiospermae; branch, fallen; G.M. Brand; A.W. Brand
29/10/2003 Crepidotus variabilis; Swanton Novers Great Wood; TG0130; Corylus; branch, fallen; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand
29/10/2003 Crepidotus variabilis; Swanton Novers Great Wood; TG0130; Quercus; twig; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand
29/10/2003 Erysiphe alphitoides; Holt, Gresham's School; TG0839; Quercus; leaf, living; A.W. Brand; G.M. Brand
29/10/2003 Exidia glandulosa; Swanton Novers Great Wood; TG0130; Corylus; branch, fallen; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand
29/10/2003 Hebeloma radicosum; Swanton Novers Great Wood; TG0130; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand
29/10/2003 Laccaria laccata; Holt, Gresham's School; TG0839; Angiospermae; soil; G.M. Brand; A.W. Brand
30/10/2003 Armillaria gallica; Felbrigg Park; TG1939; Quercus; stump; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand
30/10/2003 Crepidotus variabilis; Felbrigg Park; TG1939; Castanea; twig; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand
30/10/2003 Crepidotus variabilis; Felbrigg Park; TG1939; Pteridium; stem; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand
30/10/2003 Hygrocybe ceracea; Felbrigg Park; TG1939; Poaceae; soil; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand; B.M. Spooner
30/10/2003 Kuehneola uredinis; Felbrigg Park; TG1939; Rubus fruticosus agg.; leaf, living; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand
30/10/2003 Marasmius epiphyllus; Felbrigg Park; TG1939; Fagus; leaf, fallen; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand
30/10/2003 Phragmidium violaceum; Felbrigg Park; TG1939; Rubus fruticosus agg.; leaf, living; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand
30/10/2003 Phyllactinia guttata; Felbrigg Park; TG1939; Fagus; leaf, fallen; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand; B. Ing
30/10/2003 Polyporus leptocephalus; Felbrigg Park; TG1939; Fagus; log; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand
30/10/2003 Rhopographus filicinus; Felbrigg Park; TG1939; Pteridium; stem; A.W. Brand; A.W. Brand

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The Norfolk Fungus Study Group is affiliated to the Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists' Society
and the British Mycological Society